Friday, May 22, 2009

not new here but ...

As far as I remember, I had already registered in this blogsite. I just barely recall what username I had used. Anyway, since Wheng has blogsite and I do want to make some comments in her blogs, I created a new account. And I chose my gwapzbaako yahoo account.

Maybe I would make use this site as well to share my thoughts. To express some things and ideas I don't normally do and easily utter.

I wish I'ld be able to do it!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Why am I still SINGLE?

From the blog of s_u_p_e_r_m_a_n

…….gReAt PoWer cOmeS wiTh gReAt ReSpOnSibiLitY…….

Why am I still SINGLE? Please don’t ask ME ever again…..

Having a medium to share your thoughts/opinions wherein sometimes you simply can’t spill them out directly in front of a person or your friend’s face, I am absolutely grateful that there is such a Blogsite…Well, I plainly wanna express some thoughts about this subject …

If you see me or meet me and we happened to have had a conversation, please don’t ask me EVER again, please! Why, at this time, I am still SINGLE (?)

But who cares. Being a single is a choice. Don’t you agree? So long as you’re happy with it.

I appreciate your concern towards me but I am practically ok and absolutely fine.

It’s just that, I am starting to get annoyed every time I am being asked of it.

My ears are getting allergic already of hearing, “You’re nice and good to look at, you are a boyfriend-material and it’s very unusual at your age you still have no one whom you are romantically involved with. (Thank you! If that what you see in me)

Why? What do you wanna know in the first place?

I have always been single through out my life.

And I am happy with it. In fact, I had never involved myself romantically.

It was solely my choice not to have one.

Yes, like an ordinary guy, I have been dreaming of having one too.

As a matter of fact, I am a type of person who is very romantic. I think I really am. But I am a kind of person that when it comes to “Love”, I use more my brain over my heart. I don’t want my emotional side eats me up.

No one knew this but several times, I did take risk to court someone but unfortunately a lot of reasons stop me of pursuing it. I just chose to get hurt by myself but I manage to get by eventually.

I had so much regrets from other aspects of my life due to my aggressiveness but I am grateful, when it comes to finding love, I take things very slowly and I don’t easily fall into someone’s influences or impulses. In fact, more often than not, I don’t really pay attention to it. I am not one of those who hurriedly and desperately find someone to be with just to be “in” or to “prove” something or just “showing” to others that, at last, they had one already or they just had a new - one again or anything like that.

On a positive note, I don’t single out those who are really into “commitment” thing.

I know it’s very confusing but I am entitled with my own privacy, whatever they are!

And for heaven’s sake, this is my life. I know where I am heading and leading to.

I am just tired being asked every time of those types and related questions per se.

I hate explaining myself with those questions, actually! I am already fed up. I was just too nice not to say “back off”.

Moreover, I don’t like the idea of being matched and teased to someone or anyone. I’ll get very touchy, you know. So please count me out of it. As a friend of yours, I’ll appreciate you more if you do so. We can talk anything under the sun except this subject.

As for me, it doesn’t matter if I don’t commit myself to someone. We all have choices in our lives. And this is my choice. Getting old and having not experienced it, so what?

Ultimately, no one can certainly predict what will happen to us years from now. Something happens and changes everyday. Events are inevitable so you’ll never really know.

Some say, it’s easy to state it but you will never ever know the circumstances unless you give a shot of it. Yeah, got the point but having choices in our own lives still matter and prevail. After all, it is we who primarily make our own destinies.

Why am I saying all these?


Do you care a bit?

Am I just making myself here funny?

Grumpy? Foolish?

But who cares?

Just expressing myself anyway!

Somehow, I made some points, at least!