Monday, May 30, 2011

Look at coffee in a different way!

A retrieved email I sent to some friends way back 2010. It's about looking at coffee in a different way. That was the time I had not used to drink coffee. When ever I drink coffee, I feel so bloated. It seemed that it would just make me dizzy. But after reading the benefits of coffee to one's health, I started to love drinking coffee.... Here it is, hope this helps to your health!

Wed, June 9, 2010 9:31:38 AM
Subject: Look at coffee in a different way

I always prefer green tea but I think, I am having seconds thoughts now.

Since Nescafe coffee brand is the one we have been using here in the office,

I am now seeing myself drinking a lot of cups of coffee every day .. jejeje

You, too may get enlightened, please read below ads article.


Ads Article: The Philippine Star, Wednesday, June 9, 2010 Page 11



If you think that antioxidants in coffee are only good for preventing diseases

such as cancer and coronary heart disease, You’re in for a big surprise.

They also help slow down the process of aging.

Include a cup Of coffee to your beauty regimen and your skin will reap the benefits.

That’s because Antioxidants prevent cell damage – one the reasons for premature aging.

Not only can they help maintain your youthful looks, they also help preserve your young brain.

Another eye-opener: coffee is one of the richest sources of antioxidants, much more than red wine,

green tea and cocoa. So go ahead and make coffee a part of your daily diet and have a healthy,

young glow from the inside out.

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More on the benefits of coffee and health:

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What is SUCCESS?

..... Just an excerpt article email content that I would like to share about SUCCESS: .......

From: Motivation in a Minute []

What, in your opinion, is the one best word to describe success? When we asked that question around our office, we came to a unanimous decision, and the word is perseverance. There are always a lot of potholes, detours and roadblocks in life, and BJ Gallagher's book shares some inspiration in those times of adversity. It is terrific! The table of contents will give you a little "snapshot" of what it's all about:
  • Persist no matter what.
  • Endure discomfort.
  • Request help.
  • Steadfastly hold on to your beliefs and values.
  • Envision triumph.
  • Very consistently keep at it.
  • Embrace adversity as your teacher.
  • Refuse to give up.
  • Enjoy and celebrate every tiny bit of progress!


"Don't be afraid to give your best to what seemingly are small jobs. Every time you conquer one it makes you that much stronger. If you do the little jobs well, the big ones will tend to take care of themselves."

-Dale Carnegie

Sunday, May 22, 2011

wensha, wensha spa

We spent almost our halfday at Wensha Spa. Me and my partner had a great time bonding together as one.

We had the best massage ever. Most importantly , my partner really need it para sa kanyang health.

I thank God for giving us the chance to bond together.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Do you read selling techniques?

Yes, with my subject title, I am currently reading a book on how to be a good seller.
It's all about selling . I borrowed it from our company's library and it's been a week already and I have not finished reading it. I got out-focus with every stuff I do.

I want everything to be done simultaneously. I want them to be finished immediately.

Wait.. gotta go out first to unwind. Get back later!