Thursday, January 6, 2011

5 Tips For Sticking With Your Exercise Commitments

5 Tips For Sticking With Your Exercise Commitments

1. Focus on positive self-talk. Congratulate yourself every
time you take a step towards your resolution goal. Be your
own best cheerleader. Much of the back sliding we face with
exercise and losing weight has to do with ourselves. We beat
ourselves up before we hit our goals. Don't do that!

2. Avoid berating yourself if you should fall back or break
a resolution. Just brush yourself off and start over again.
When you missed an exercise session or ate something you
shouldn't have just say "oh well, that's over, let's keep
moving forward!" It's okay if you slip a little. It's not okay
if you let yourself stop your regime completely.

3. Stick to your resolutions by considering it a promise to
yourself, not a test of your willpower. Make sure you are
getting fit for YOU and nobody else. Your the only one that
matters so make a promise with YOURSELF today.

4. Avoid situations that put you in temptation's path,
meaning if you're on a diet, don't go to the ice cream
parlor. This could also mean bringing healthy snacks with
you and not going long periods without eating. I travel a lot
to speak around the country and often lengthy delays in airports
are my worst enemy. So, I bring healthy snacks along with me
so I won't give in to temptation!

5. Keep a sticky note in a prominent place so that you see
it every day, reminding yourself of your resolutions.
(i.e., on your bathroom mirror, next to your bed, on the
visor of your car, on the refrigerator). What you focus on

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