Saturday, June 4, 2011


I have a secret to tell. i don't know if this is really a secret though!...lols....

Realizing now at the moment, I have been blogging for a years now. I have been blogging to various blogsites using different blog names but only one author and that's me. It made me to think , why didn't I just focus into one blogsite only?

I wanna answer that quickly now! It's because I have a lot of things to hide about me.

I just couldn't stop smiling while writing this blog. Is'nt it we blog because we wanna express ourselves? All the things you can't verbally express well, there is blog where you can put those into words , no matter what it contents are.

Ironically, I am not ready yet to expose those blogsites of mine. One blogsite is wholesome, others are complicated. It's just hard on my part.

At least for now, I could share to you, my friendster' s blog called


…….gReAt PoWer cOmeS wiTh gReAt ReSpOnSibiLitY……..

Just click the s_u_p_e_r_m_a_n

and there you go, just enjoy reading...

It may probably give you a hint who really I am as a person.

By the way, I was planning awhileago to copy and paste here each blog I wrote there and I will just edit the time I had written them but it's too tedious.

IASTN- as I am so tired now!!!! ha ha ha ....

Hope, I still put some humor writing this blog, even it's not in 'Tagalog" way, you know!.

LOLN- laughing out loud now while clicking the button "PUBLISH POST".

1 comment:

  1. Oppps, I did follow it as's the link...
